
About Me

I am a stay at home mom currently in Las Vegas, NV.  My Husband is in the Air Force so we move quite frequently, therefore its hard to jump from job to job. My son is now 2 and before he was born I had decided I was going to be a full time SAHM. Being a full time wife and mom is really demanding. I regularly attend mommy groups, work out, & of course what woman doesn't love to shop. Having only one income was already challenging enough, but with the economy and gas prices we started to feel a big dent in our budget. So once our budget got tight I knew something had to be done. Couponing has now become part of my life and is definitely on the list of things I love to do.  When you find something that can save a ton of money and still allow you to live the life you always have why not love it and make it a hobby. I have now overcome the have to part of couponing, I now coupon because I know paying retail for things is just simply a thing of the past.  Before I go buy anything...and yes I mean anything... I check to see if there is a coupon for it.