
Friday, April 22, 2011

Brand Loyal

Well it's sad to say but brand loyalty is going to be out the door when it comes to couponing.  If you truly want to be successful in this you have to step back and think for a minute whether you are really ready to start saving money or your just too stuck on your tide detergent to save a buck or two.  Even though there will be are times that your favorite detergents and/or deodorant are going to go on sale, but being able to use different brands will definitely help you in building your stockpile.  Now I am not saying if you or your child is allergic every detergent other than tide that you should switch...No that's not the case because we all have special circumstances we can't overcome.  In this instance I am just try to help you find the best deals on your Tide and if there are any coupons out there to help get the cost down to the least OOP as possible.  For others once you start to see the major savings that can be done just by switching products you may toss all brand loyalty out.  I know personally if I can get All detergent for free or $1.00 a bottle I'm going to jump on that savings versus the $10.00 a bottle for Tide. 

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