
Monday, May 30, 2011

Prepare for a PRICE HIKE on Diapers!!!

Diaper Prices Going Up

Parents, get ready for sticker shock on diapers and baby wipes.

With the cost of gas and food skyrocketing, it's no surprise to hear that the price of keeping your baby clean and dry is about to become a lot more expensive. Popular manufacturers of diapers and baby wipes have announced plans to increase the prices of their products, according to an article in The Wall Street Journal.

Kimberly-Clark "plans to raise prices on its Huggies diapers and wipes by 3 percent to 7 percent, while Procter & Gamble announced a 7 percent rise in prices for its Pampers diapers and 3 percent increase on wipes," the article reports. No specific date was given.
The two companies are raising prices to keep up with the higher cost of the raw materials needed to make the diapers and wipes, according to The Wall Street Journal article. 

An interesting side note in this story: The article cites a recent survey that shows shoppers are "less likely to switch to a cheaper brand on a baby product." Only 10 percent of the consumers surveyed said diapers were not worth paying more. For the overwhelming majority of parents polled, it's all about baby's comfort rather than saving money.

It'll be interesting to see if these survey findings hold true in the future considering that an average parent will change a baby more than 2,000 times in that child's first year of life.

Source:  Fit Pregnancy

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