
Sunday, May 29, 2011

Savings Tracker Spreadsheet

You can either go here to The Coupon Project site to download it or use these below.

Below is the Saving Tracker Spreadsheet that I use to track my savings percentages and OOP costs versus Retail.  I just saved this to my desktop so I can access it easier and since it's on my main screen it helps me remember to input my information more often. 

This link is the Savings Tracker Manual to help teach you how to save it properly and fill your information in correctly.


2011 Savings Tracker (Excel 2007 Version)*

2011 Savings Tracker(Excel 97-03 Version)

* Please note that if you are using Internet Explorer, the 2007 version will want to download as a .zip file. To rememdy this, either save it as a zip and reopen in Excel OR open using another browser, such as Firefox or Chrome.

A Big thanks to The Coupon Project for allowing us to use this wonderful spreadsheet.  :)

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