
Monday, May 2, 2011

Free Bic Razors at Walmart

Just got back from Walmart and I lucked out when I checked my mailbox before I left :)  I ordered coupons from ebay for $3 off bic razors .... I paid 3.00 for 15 coupons and these razors are only $2.88 at Walmart.  Since my Hubby works overnight a lot and goes TDY having lots of great disposable razors on hand is always great....especially when they are pretty much free.   Reason why I bought the coupons is...  for 15 boxes of Razors that is $43.20 but I bought the coupons for only $3.00 and the value of the coupon happened to be over the cost of the item :)   ( I did only buy 10 packs today because I didn't want to wipe them all out....trying to be a good/nice couponer)  hehe   But moral of the story is buying coupons really can help build your stock pile and total value is right at $40 savings since I only paid $3 for the coupons

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